Payments and Insurance

Admission PolicyOur services are available to patients as prescribed by the physician or outlined in their care plan. When making the admission decision, we will admit and treat all persons without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex age, handicap, marital status or sexual preference. Each admission will be considered on an individual basis to determine whether the facility can meet the patient’s needs without jeopardizing the safety of other patients.


Health InsuranceWe accept most managed care and commercial insurance, as well as private payment. Many of our centers also accept Medicaid. 

We will be happy to help understand your options.


We accept most managed care and commercial insurance, as well as private payment. Many of our centers also accept Medicaid.

We will be happy to help understand the options available to you.

MedicaidThe Medicaid program provides medical benefits to low-income people who have no medical insurance or inadequate medical insurance. The federal government establishes the general guidelines for the program, but each state establishes the program’s requirements including eligibility. You can find out more about your eligibility by visiting

Private Payments

AcceptedWe accept all forms of payments.

For those patients who choose to make our center their home and do not qualify for Medicaid or other benefits, we accept private payment. Our rates are determined at each facility. Contact us for more information about our services and rate structure.